June 9, 2009

OH, IT'S ON!!!

Ok, Red Sox Nation. You are soooo deserving of this beatdown the Yanks are about to put on you!!!

The last time the Sawx & Yanks met the Yanks were left with their tails between their legs while screaming, "Please Daddy, don't hit me no more!"

But, things have changed since then. ARod returned from the DL, Mark Teixeira finally showed up, and the pitchers started...well, pitching. Add it all up and the Yanks come into this series in 1st place, one game up on Boston.

As well as the Yanks have played though, there is some unfinished business to take care of. See, in New York City, we believe in the art of retribution. You's don't come into our house and smack us around and get away with it, ya see? You's got something coming to ya! And you's ain't gonna like it neither!

To be serious, losing the first 5 meetings with Boston left a bad taste in the mouth. I know we're in first place but it feels like we don't deserve to be there. It's like "winning" the heavyweight title because the champ retired. The Yanks need to go into Boston and win at least 2 of 3. A sweep would be nice, but 2 of 3 would send a nice message:

We're here, we're for real, and we ain't going a mutha f'in place, ya dig?!?!

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